About TIG – FAQ

Why Should I Utilize TIG’s Services?

TIG eliminates the time, stress, and complications typically associated with researching, vetting, and choosing suitable service providers.

You can expect a reduction in service provider selection and procurement times by approximately 50-75%.

How Is TIG Better Than The Traditional Sourcing Process?

How TIG Works

TIG operates as your external procurement department. We align your specific business needs with a trusted and vetted service provider within our network. Here’s how:

  • We help match your unique business needs with a trusted and vetted partner in the TIG Service Provider Network.
  • We work with you to enable the sourcing of RFIs/RFPs from competent service providers within the TIG network.
  • We deliver 1-3 service providers that align with specifically outlined business requirements.
  • We support you in selecting the most suitable service provider.
  • We ensure you have confidence in your choice of service providers by showcasing their proven track record and expertise within your industry.

How Long Does It Take To Connect With A Service Provider?

Generally, TIG identifies, qualifies, and matches you with the right service provider within 1-3 weeks. However, timelines might differ based on client responsiveness and availability.

Are There Any Charges I Incur For Using TIG’s Sourcing Services?

There is no charge for manufacturers to use TIG’s services.

*Service Providers are only pay a TIG fee once we successfully pair them with a manufacturer client.

Is There A Limit To The Number Of Service Providers I Request Connections To?

There are no limits to the number of requests you can make. We can assist across various business sectors, including Sales, Marketing, Operations, IT, HR, Finance, Accounting, among others. Our process pinpoints, vets, and selects appropriate TIG service providers tailored to your specific business needs.

Interested in utilizing TIG’s services?
Let’s Make a Connection

To learn more about TIG services or discuss a specific business need, contact TIG by calling 1-888-270-5170 or using the contact us form.