About TIG Strategic Partnerships

At IntelliSource Group, our primary focus is connecting our strategic partners with pre-qualified manufacturing and industrial sales leads and opportunities. We aim to help businesses find the right products, services, and solutions they need by working closely with our TIG Service Provider Network.

These are companies actively looking for your products, services and solutions.

The TIG Service Provider Network consists of a diverse range of service providers covering multiple business functional areas. This includes but is not limited to: Operations, Sales, Marketing, HR, IT, Finance, Accounting, and Production.

We carefully select top-performing companies serving the manufacturing and industrial sectors across the U.S. to provide a comprehensive and reliable service provider network.

Qualified Business Leads and Opportunities

Through our TIG Network, we connect our strategic partners with suitable business opportunities based on their expertise and specialization. We employ a stringent pre-qualification process with the help of TIG procurement experts to ensure clients are matched with the right service providers. This process involves verifying product and service needs, budgets, buying processes, and timing for potential service engagements.

Strategic Partner Service Categories

The TIG Network consists of service providers in Sales, Marketing, HR, IT, Operations, Finance, Accounting, Production, and others.

TIG Is NOT A Lead Generation Service

We are NOT a lead generation service. We do not use online websites and marketplaces to capture low-value, unqualified sales leads and opportunities.

Extensive Business Referral Network

Our strategic partners and expansive business referral network include a wide variety of product and service providers catering to the U.S. manufacturing and industrial sector. This network ensures a steady flow of high-quality business opportunities for our approved TIG Service Providers.

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Let’s Make a Connection

To learn more about TIG services or discuss a specific business need, contact TIG by calling 1-888-270-5170 or using the contact us form.